Invest in Winthrop: Vote YES on April 5th!
For Our Schools, For Our Firefighters, For Our Future
The Ballot Questions
Yes on 1:
Fund our Firefighters
A YES on 1 will approve a 25-year debt exclusion for $38.5m to construct a new fire station.
Yes on 2:
Maintain our quality
of education
A YES on 2 provides level funding for FY26 and prevents additional cuts, eliminations, and reductions.
Yes on 3:
Secure our schools
A YES on 3 creates a $1.45m stabilization fund (savings account) for the school department’s use only.
Learn more about school questions
Why your vote matters
On Saturday, April 5, 2025, Winthrop residents will vote on critical measures to support our schools and firefighters—two pillars of our community. Your vote will ensure a safer town and a stronger future for our children and first responders.
What this means for you
Communities that invest in public services have higher home values, more economic growth, and are safer.
Quarterly $ Cost Breakdown*
Question 1: $122
Question 2: $160
Question 3: $66
*Based on an assessed home value of $697,309. Question 1 will not be fully deducted until FY28.
Key Details
Polls Open: 7:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Polling Locations:
Precincts 1, 2, 3, 5, 6: Old Middle School, 151 Pauline St.
Precinct 4: 9 Golden Drive
Deadline to Register: March 26, 2025
Deadline for Absentee Ballot: March 31, 2025
Mail in voting
To vote by mail, complete an Absentee/Vote by Mail application.
No early voting at Town Hall for this election.